Display Rental and Sale

We rent and sell lightweight easy to use display stands for your community engagement or marketing event. 


Our fabric display stands are designed to accommodate up to A0 sized posters and are easy to transport and cost considerably less than comparable alternatives.


Attaching posters to the display is as easy as using sticky Velcro tabs, allowing the stand to be used over and over again for a range of different events.

What are the dimensions of your Display Stands?

  • 2175mm h X 1200mm w (will fit up to AO sized items in landscape)
  • Each stand weighs approx 4kg packed up in its own zip up bag
  • Will easily fit in the back of a small car

What can I attach to the Display Stands?

Attaching posters to the display is as easy as using sticky Velcro tabs, allowing the stand to be used over and over again for a range of different events.

Is it cheaper to hire or buy?

Depending on the length of the rental and the number of stands you need, buying them outright can be a cost effective alternative to hire.